Special Educational Needs/and or Disabilities


Our children and their families are the centre of our school Nursery and everything that we do is with their well-being and success as our priority. Our Nursery is a place where every child has the right to be themselves, to be included and to learn in a safe and happy environment. Everyone at our Nursery is equal and treats each other with respect and kindness.

Our Special Educational Needs policy supports those children who may find certain aspects of their learning and development challenging, enabling them to overcome these hurdles and to reach their full potential. We welcome all children to our Nursery and will make every effort to adapt teaching and learning to support a child’s development. We have a skilled and dedicated staff who treat everyone as unique and precious.

Support for children is determined by individual need and circumstances which is a strength in our small and very caring Nursery where children are seen as individuals and valued as such. We have high expectations for all our children and we aim to fully extend their development in all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.